As December rolls around, thoughts often turn to festive celebrations, holiday feasts, and the promise of a brand-new year. While many people postpone their fitness resolutions until January, there’s a compelling case for kickstarting your health journey right now. At Results FAST Gym in Ware, we believe that December is the perfect time to lay the foundation for a healthier, fitter you in the coming year. Let’s explore the smart reasons behind starting your fitness routine early and making December the month of positive change.

1. Beat the New Year Rush

Come January, gyms across the country witness an influx of new members eager to fulfill their resolutions. By starting your fitness routine in December, you get a head start and avoid the crowded gym rush. At Results FAST, our state-of-the-art facilities in Ware provide the ideal environment for focused workouts, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate fitness into your routine without the January crowds.

2. Establish Healthy Habits

December offers a unique opportunity to establish healthy habits before the new year even begins. By incorporating regular workouts into your schedule now, you lay the groundwork for a routine that becomes second nature. Results FAST Gym’s expert personal trainers in Ware can help you create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, making consistency a key component of your fitness journey.

3. Navigate Festive Indulgences

The holiday season often brings indulgent treats and festive feasts. Starting your fitness routine in December allows you to proactively manage these indulgences. Our team at Results FAST understands the importance of balance, and our personal trainers can provide guidance on maintaining a healthy diet while still savoring the holiday delights.

4. Boost Your Mood and Energy

Exercise has proven benefits for mental health, including reducing stress and boosting mood. Starting your fitness routine in December can be particularly beneficial, helping you navigate the holiday hustle with greater resilience and a positive mindset. Our Ware-based gym offers a variety of classes and personalized training sessions designed to elevate your mood and energy levels, setting the tone for a joyful season.

5. Avoid Procrastination Pitfalls

Postponing fitness resolutions until January often leads to procrastination. By taking action now, you break the cycle of delay and set the stage for a proactive approach to your health. Results FAST Gym provides the support and motivation needed to overcome procrastination and take charge of your fitness goals, starting right now.

6. Build a Supportive Fitness Community

Starting your fitness routine in December allows you to become part of a supportive fitness community early on. Results FAST Gym in Ware fosters a sense of camaraderie among our members, creating an environment where everyone is invested in each other’s success. Joining our gym now gives you the chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to health and well-being.

7. Enjoy the Transformative Benefits

Embarking on your fitness journey in December means you’ll start experiencing the transformative benefits sooner. From increased energy and improved sleep to enhanced physical strength and mental resilience, the positive changes you’ll witness become powerful motivators to carry your momentum into the new year and beyond.

At Results FAST Gym in Ware, we believe that every day is an opportunity to prioritize your health. By choosing to start your fitness routine in December, you’re not only setting the stage for a healthier new year but also making a proactive investment in yourself. Visit our website at to learn more about our gym facilities, personalized training options, and the supportive community awaiting you. This December, let Results FAST be your partner in achieving fitness success, ensuring that you stride into the new year with confidence, vitality, and a well-established commitment to your well-being.

Published by ianmellis

Ian Mellis MSc. CSCS is the co-founder of Results FAST ( in Ware, Hertfordshire. Specialising in athletic development, physique improvement and injury rehabilitation he provides personal training, strength and conditioning and nutrition coaching for motivated exercisers and those looking to make a long term change to their health, fitness and performance.

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